Abbiamo già parlato in un primo articolo della gestione di Network Manager tramite nmcli su Red Hat Enterprise Linux e CentOS affrontando gli aspetti basilari della gestione. Per rendere alcune operazioni di routine più veloci e snelle vi proponiamo questo script che automatizza la creazione di connessioni ethernet, bridge e team con Network Manager proponendo all’utente una semplice interfaccia testuale e interattiva che cerca di rendere il controllo dei dati immessi il più possibile error-proof prima di passare i parametri al comando nmcli.
Oltre alle connessioni Ethernet anche le connessioni bridge e team sono finalmente gestite da Network Manager in modo effficiente e snello mentre in passato era necessario agire con dei workaround (vedi ad esempio le connessioni bridge). Questo ci permette di scriptare certe operazioni in modo più agevole e sintatticamente simile all’approccio usato per le connessioni Ethernet.
Si consiglia di copiare lo script nella directory /usr/bin. Per l’esecuzione è sufficiente eseguire il comando
/usr/bin/conadd |
Alla prima esecuzione ci si presenterà questa schermata con la richiesta di scegliere il tipo di connessione da creare:
Il seguente screenshot descrive tutti i passi della creazione di una connessione Ethernet statica:
Lo screenshot successivo ci mostra invece la configurazione di una connessione team con indirizzo ip dinamico e due slave interface in configurazione activebackup:
Infine uno screenshot di una configurazione bridge, sempre con IP dinamico e due bridge slaves.
Come si può vedere in tutti i casi conadd raccoglie tutte le informazioni necessarie prima di passare i parametri a nmcli e stampa sempre un breve configuration summary prima di procedere. Il funzionamento di conadd è molto simile nmcli quando viene eseguito con il parametro -a[sk] ma con alcune piccole differenze (possibilità di aggiungere gateway, dns) e un maggior controllo sulla validità dell’input dell’utente.
Arriviamo ora a passare in rassegna lo script completo per poi focalizzare l’attenzione su alcune delle sezioni più importanti.
#!/bin/bash #*******************************************************# # # # conadd - Interactive network connections tool # # Release: 0.2.1 # # # #*******************************************************# # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. RELEASE="0.2.1" # Test if the user has root privileges if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: conadd must be used as root" exit 1 fi if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "--help" ]; then echo "conadd - Interactive network connections management tool." echo "This script helps the user to add new IPv4 ethernet connections using Network Manager interactively." echo "It is similar to "nmcli -a con add" but brings some different feature like ip address format check" echo "Usage: $(basename $0)" exit 0 elif [ "$1" == "-v" ] || [ "$1" == "--version" ]; then echo "conadd - Interactive network connections management tool." echo "Version $RELEASE" exit 0 fi #*****************************************************************************# # Functions definition connTypeDef () { CONN_TYPE= TYPE_LIST="ethernet bridge team" while [ -z "$CONN_TYPE" ]; do echo -n "Connection type: (available types: " echo -n $TYPE_LIST echo ")" echo -n "> " read CONN_TYPE # Check if $CONN_TYPE is zero lenght if [ -z "$CONN_TYPE" ]; then echo "Must specify a connection type" echo else # Check if the interface exists for type_chk in $TYPE_LIST; do if [ "$CONN_TYPE" == "$type_chk" ]; then TYPE_OK=1 fi done if [ "$TYPE_OK" != "1" ]; then echo "The type specified does not exist" echo "Choose a type among this list: $TYPE_LIST" CONN_TYPE= fi fi done } connDef () { CONN_NAME= while [ -z "$CONN_NAME" ]; do echo "Connection name:" echo -n "> " read CONN_NAME # Check if $CONN_NAME is zero lenght if [ -z "$CONN_NAME" ]; then echo "Connection name cannot be blank" echo else # Check if the connection name already exists CONN_LIST=$(nmcli con | sed '1d' | awk '{print $1}') for conn_chk in $CONN_LIST; do if [ "$conn_chk" == "$CONN_NAME" ]; then echo "Connection name already exists" echo CONN_NAME= fi done fi done } # Hardware interface (not used with bond, team, bridge) hwIfaceDef () { IFACE= IF_OK=0 IFACE_LIST=$(nmcli dev | sed '1d' | awk '{print $1}') while [ -z "$IFACE" ]; do echo -n "Network interface name: (available interfaces: " echo -n $IFACE_LIST echo ")" echo -n "> " read IFACE # Check if $IFACE is zero lenght if [ -z "$IFACE" ]; then echo "Network interface name cannot be blank" echo else # Check if the interface exists for ifname_chk in $IFACE_LIST; do if [ "$IFACE" == "$ifname_chk" ]; then IF_OK=1 fi done if [ $IF_OK -ne 1 ]; then echo "Network interface does not exist" echo "Choose and interface among this list: $IFACE_LIST" IFACE= fi fi done } # Bonded interface (used with bonded connecions like team and bridge) bdIfaceDef () { IFACE= IF_OK=0 while [ -z "$IFACE" ]; do echo "Network interface name: " echo -n "> " read IFACE # Check if $IFACE is zero lenght if [ -z "$IFACE" ]; then echo "Network interface name cannot be blank" echo else # Check if the interface name equals to the connection name # This means that $CONN_NAME must be set before invoking this function if [ "$IFACE" == "$CONN_NAME" ]; then IF_OK=1 fi if [ $IF_OK -ne 1 ]; then echo "The interface name should have the value $CONN_NAME" IFACE= fi fi done } # Slave interfaces for bridge and team connections slIfaceDef () { echo "Please enter the number of slave interfaces" echo -n "> " read SLAVE for NUM in $(seq 0 $(($SLAVE-1))); do eval echo IFACE_$NUM= &> /dev/null varRef=IFACE_$NUM IF_OK=0 IFACE_LIST=$(nmcli dev | sed '1d' | awk '{print $1}') while [ -z "${!varRef}" ]; do echo -n "Slave interface $NUM name: (available interfaces: " echo -n $IFACE_LIST echo ")" echo -n "> " read IFACE_$NUM # Check if $IFACE_$NUM is zero lenght if [ -z "${varRef}" ]; then echo "Network interface name cannot be blank" echo else # Check if the interface exists for ifname_chk in $IFACE_LIST; do if [ "${!varRef}" == "$ifname_chk" ]; then IF_OK=1 fi done if [ $IF_OK -ne 1 ]; then echo "Network interface does not exist" eval echo IFACE_$NUM= &> /dev/null fi fi done # Slave port name input. eval echo SLNAME_$NUM= &> /dev/null portRef=SLNAME_$NUM while [ -z "${!portRef}" ]; do echo "Slave port name: " echo -n "> " read SLNAME_$NUM if [ -z "${!portRef}" ]; then # Check if SLNAME_$NUM is blank echo "Slave port name cannot be blank" fi done done } teamConfig () { RUNNER= RUN_OK=0 RUNNER_LIST="roundrobin activebackup loadbalance" while [ -z "$RUNNER" ]; do echo "Team connection runner: (available runners: $RUNNER_LIST)" echo "Just press enter to leave "roundrobin" as the default runner" echo -n "> " read RUNNER if [ -z "$RUNNER" ]; then echo "Assuming roundrobin as default" RUNNER="roundrobin" else for runnerChk in $RUNNER_LIST; do if [ "$RUNNER" == "$runnerChk" ]; then RUN_OK=1 fi done if [ $RUN_OK != 1 ]; then echo "Unsupported runner config" RUNNER= fi fi done case $RUNNER in activebackup) RUNNER_STR="{"runner": {"name": "activebackup"}}";; roundrobin) RUNNER_STR="{"runner": {"name": "roundrobin"}}";; loadbalance) RUNNER_STR="{"runner": {"name": "loadbalance"}}";; esac } ip4AddrDef () { IP_ADDR= while [ -z "$IP_ADDR" ]; do echo "IPv4 address + Network prefix (leave blank for dhcp):" echo -n "> " read IP_ADDR # Check if ip address has a valid format if [ -n "$IP_ADDR" ]; then echo "$IP_ADDR" | grep '[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*/[0-9]*' &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Invalid IPv4 address. Format:" echo IP_ADDR= fi else IP_ADDR="__dhcp__" fi done # If static ip address is set, collects default gateway and dns address if [ "$IP_ADDR" != "__dhcp__" ]; then # Default Gateway GW_ADDR= while [ -z "$GW_ADDR" ]; do echo "Default gateway address (leave blank for none):" echo -n "> " read GW_ADDR # Check if ip address has a valid format if [ -n "$GW_ADDR" ]; then echo "$GW_ADDR" | grep '[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*' &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Invalid gateway address. Format:" echo GW_ADDR= fi else GW_ADDR="__blank__" fi done # Dns address DNS_ADDR= while [ -z "$DNS_ADDR" ]; do echo "Primary DNS address (leave blank for none):" echo -n "> " read DNS_ADDR # Check if ip address has a valid format if [ -n "$DNS_ADDR" ]; then echo "$DNS_ADDR" | grep '[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*' &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Invalid DNS address. Format:" echo DNS_ADDR= fi else DNS_ADDR="__blank__" fi done fi } autoConnDef () { echo "Autoconnect (Y|N):" echo -n "> " read AUTO case $AUTO in y|Y|yes) AUTO=yes;; n|N|no) AUTO=no;; *) echo "Ambiguous choice, assuming autoconnect=no" AUTO=no ;; esac } #*****************************************************************************# # Welcome section # Clear the screen clear echo echo "+-------------------------------------------------------+" echo "| |" echo "| conadd - Interactive network connection tool |" echo "| |" echo "+-------------------------------------------------------+" echo #*****************************************************************************# # Begin data collection # Connection type connTypeDef echo case $CONN_TYPE in ethernet) # Connection name connDef echo # Network interface name hwIfaceDef echo # Static ip address ip4AddrDef echo # Auto Connect autoConnDef echo ;; bridge) # Connection name connDef echo # Bonded network interface bdIfaceDef echo # Slave interfaces slIfaceDef echo # Static ip address ip4AddrDef # Auto Connect autoConnDef echo ;; team) # Connection name connDef echo # Bonded network interface bdIfaceDef echo # Slave interfaces slIfaceDef echo # Team config teamConfig echo # Static ip address ip4AddrDef # Auto Connect autoConnDef echo ;; esac # Static ip address echo echo +----------------------------------------------------+ echo " Configuration Summary:" echo echo -n " Connection type: " echo "$CONN_TYPE" echo -n " Interface name: " echo "$IFACE" echo -n " Connection name: " echo "$CONN_NAME" if [ "$CONN_TYPE" == "bridge" ] || [ "$CONN_TYPE" == "team" ]; then # Slave interface are only showed on bridge and team connections echo -n " Slave interfaces: " for NUM in $(seq 0 $(($SLAVE-1))); do inetRef=IFACE_$NUM portRef=SLNAME_$NUM echo -n "${!inetRef} (${!portRef}) " done echo fi if [ "$CONN_TYPE" == "team" ]; then echo -n " Team config: " echo $RUNNER_STR fi echo -n " Ip address: " if [ "$IP_ADDR" != "__dhcp__" ]; then echo "$IP_ADDR" echo -n " Default gateway: " if [ "$GW_ADDR" != "__blank__" ]; then echo "$GW_ADDR" else echo "none" fi echo -n " Primary DNS: " if [ "$DNS_ADDR" != "__blank__" ]; then echo "$DNS_ADDR" else echo "none" fi else echo "DHCP" fi echo -n " Autoconnect: " echo "$AUTO" echo +----------------------------------------------------+ echo # End data collection #*****************************************************************************# # Begin connection configuration section echo -n "Are you sure you want to proceed? ([Y]es|[N]o) " read CHOICE case $CHOICE in y|Y) echo "Invoking Network Manager to configure the connection..." # Ethernet connections if [ "$CONN_TYPE" == "ethernet" ]; then if [ "$IP_ADDR" == "__dhcp__" ]; then nmcli con add type ${CONN_TYPE} con-name "${CONN_NAME}" ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: error during the execution of command "nmcli con add type $CONN_TYPE con-name ${CONN_NAME} ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO}". Error $?" exit 1 fi else if [ "GW_ADDR" == "__blank__" ]; then nmcli con add type ${CONN_TYPE} con-name "${CONN_NAME}" ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} ip4 ${IP_ADDR} &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: error during the execution of command "nmcli con add type $CONN_TYPE con-name ${CONN-NAME} ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} ip4 ${IP_ADDR}". Error $?" exit 1 fi else nmcli con add type ${CONN_TYPE} con-name "${CONN_NAME}" ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} ip4 ${IP_ADDR} gw4 ${GW_ADDR} &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: error during the execution of command "nmcli con add type $CONN_TYPE con-name ${CONN_NAME} ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} ip4 ${IP_ADDR} gw4 ${GW_ADDR}". Error $?" exit 1 fi fi if [ "$DNS_ADDR" != "__blank__" ]; then nmcli con mod "${CONN_NAME}" ipv4.dns ${DNS_ADDR} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: error during the execution of command nmcli con mod. Error $?" exit 1 fi fi fi # Bridge connections elif [ "$CONN_TYPE" == "bridge" ]; then if [ "$IP_ADDR" == "__dhcp__" ]; then nmcli con add type ${CONN_TYPE} con-name "${CONN_NAME}" ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: error during the execution of command "nmcli con add type $CONN_TYPE con-name ${CONN_NAME} ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO}". Error $?" exit 1 fi else if [ "GW_ADDR" == "__blank__" ]; then nmcli con add type ${CONN_TYPE} con-name "${CONN_NAME}" ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} ip4 ${IP_ADDR} &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: error during the execution of command "nmcli con add type $CONN_TYPE con-name ${CONN-NAME} ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} ip4 ${IP_ADDR}". Error $?" exit 1 fi else nmcli con add type ${CONN_TYPE} con-name "${CONN_NAME}" ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} ip4 ${IP_ADDR} gw4 ${GW_ADDR} &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: error during the execution of command "nmcli con add type $CONN_TYPE con-name ${CONN_NAME} ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} ip4 ${IP_ADDR} gw4 ${GW_ADDR}". Error $?" exit 1 fi fi if [ "$DNS_ADDR" != "__blank__" ]; then nmcli con mod "${CONN_NAME}" ipv4.dns ${DNS_ADDR} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: error during the execution of command nmcli con mod. Error $?" exit 1 fi fi fi # Bridge slaves for NUM in $(seq 0 $(($SLAVE-1))); do inetRef=IFACE_$NUM portRef=SLNAME_$NUM nmcli con add type ${CONN_TYPE}-slave con-name ${!portRef} ifname ${!inetRef} master ${CONN_NAME} &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: error during the execution of command "nmcli con add type ${CONN_TYPE}-slave con-name ${!portRef} ifname ${!inetRef} master ${CONN_NAME}". Error $?" fi done # Team connections elif [ "$CONN_TYPE" == "team" ]; then if [ "$IP_ADDR" == "__dhcp__" ]; then nmcli con add type ${CONN_TYPE} con-name "${CONN_NAME}" ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} config "${RUNNER_STR}" &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: error during the execution of command "nmcli con add type $CONN_TYPE con-name ${CONN_NAME} ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} config ${RUNNER_STR}". Error $?" exit 1 fi else if [ "GW_ADDR" == "__blank__" ]; then nmcli con add type ${CONN_TYPE} con-name "${CONN_NAME}" ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} config "${RUNNER_STR}" ip4 ${IP_ADDR} &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: error during the execution of command "nmcli con add type $CONN_TYPE con-name ${CONN-NAME} ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} config ${RUNNER_STR} ip4 ${IP_ADDR}". Error $?" exit 1 fi else nmcli con add type ${CONN_TYPE} con-name "${CONN_NAME}" ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} config "${RUNNER_STR}" ip4 ${IP_ADDR} gw4 ${GW_ADDR} &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: error during the execution of command "nmcli con add type $CONN_TYPE con-name ${CONN_NAME} ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} config ${RUNNER_STR} ip4 ${IP_ADDR} gw4 ${GW_ADDR}". Error $?" exit 1 fi fi if [ "$DNS_ADDR" != "__blank__" ]; then nmcli con mod "${CONN_NAME}" ipv4.dns ${DNS_ADDR} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: error during the execution of command nmcli con mod. Error $?" exit 1 fi fi fi # Team Slaves for NUM in $(seq 0 $(($SLAVE-1))); do inetRef=IFACE_$NUM portRef=SLNAME_$NUM nmcli con add type ${CONN_TYPE}-slave con-name ${!portRef} ifname ${!inetRef} master ${CONN_NAME} &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: error during the execution of command "nmcli con add type ${CONN_TYPE}-slave con-name ${!portRef} ifname ${!inetRef} master ${CONN_NAME}". Error $?" fi done fi echo CONN_UUID=$(nmcli conn | grep "${CONN_NAME}" | awk '{print $2}') echo "Network Manager has successfully added the new connection "$CONN_NAME" with UUID ${CONN_UUID}." echo -n "Activate the connection? " read CONN_UP case $CONN_UP in y|Y|yes) nmcli con up "${CONN_NAME}" &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: cannot bring the connection $CONN_NAME up" exit 1 else echo "Successfully activated the connection $CONN_NAME. Goodbye" fi ;; *) echo "Goodbye.";; esac ;; n|N) echo "You choosed not to update your network config. Goodbye." exit 0 ;; *) echo "Wrong selection. Exiting." exit 1 ;; esac exit 0 |
La prima parte dello script, che è anche la più corposa, definisce alcune funzioni che verranno invocate successivamente.
La funzione connTypeDef () permette all’utente di scegliere il tipo di connessione. Attualmente ne sono disponibili solo tre tipi (definiti nella variabile “TYPE_LIST”) ma seguendo l’approccio utilizzato è facile estendere le funzionalità ad altre tipologie. Viene effettuato un controllo in modo da impedire l’immissione di stringhe vuote o di tipi di connessioni non valide.
connTypeDef () { CONN_TYPE= TYPE_LIST="ethernet bridge team" while [ -z "$CONN_TYPE" ]; do echo -n "Connection type: (available types: " echo -n $TYPE_LIST echo ")" echo -n "> " read CONN_TYPE # Check if $CONN_TYPE is zero lenght if [ -z "$CONN_TYPE" ]; then echo "Must specify a connection type" echo else # Check if the interface exists for type_chk in $TYPE_LIST; do if [ "$CONN_TYPE" == "$type_chk" ]; then TYPE_OK=1 fi done if [ "$TYPE_OK" != "1" ]; then echo "The type specified does not exist" echo "Choose a type among this list: $TYPE_LIST" CONN_TYPE= fi fi done } |
La funzione hwIfaceDef () invece viene utilizzata solo dalle connessioni Ethernet e restituisce un elenco dei device disponibili sulla macchina. Anche qui avviene il solito controllo su stringhe vuote e/o input non validi.
hwIfaceDef () { IFACE= IF_OK=0 IFACE_LIST=$(nmcli dev | sed '1d' | awk '{print $1}') while [ -z "$IFACE" ]; do echo -n "Network interface name: (available interfaces: " echo -n $IFACE_LIST echo ")" echo -n "> " read IFACE # Check if $IFACE is zero lenght if [ -z "$IFACE" ]; then echo "Network interface name cannot be blank" echo else # Check if the interface exists for ifname_chk in $IFACE_LIST; do if [ "$IFACE" == "$ifname_chk" ]; then IF_OK=1 fi done if [ $IF_OK -ne 1 ]; then echo "Network interface does not exist" echo "Choose and interface among this list: $IFACE_LIST" IFACE= fi fi done } |
Un’altra funzione importante è ip4AddrDef () che permette all’utente di impostare un indirizzo IPv4 statico (o un dhcp), default gateway e un eventuale DNS primario. In questa funzione, tramite l’uso di semplici regular expression, vengono verificati i formati gli indirizzi IP immessi in modo da non incappare successivamente in un errore generato da nmcli.
ip4AddrDef () { IP_ADDR= while [ -z "$IP_ADDR" ]; do echo "IPv4 address + Network prefix (leave blank for dhcp):" echo -n "> " read IP_ADDR # Check if ip address has a valid format if [ -n "$IP_ADDR" ]; then echo "$IP_ADDR" | grep '[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*/[0-9]*' &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Invalid IPv4 address. Format:" echo IP_ADDR= fi else IP_ADDR="__dhcp__" fi done # If static ip address is set, collects default gateway and dns address if [ "$IP_ADDR" != "__dhcp__" ]; then # Default Gateway GW_ADDR= while [ -z "$GW_ADDR" ]; do echo "Default gateway address (leave blank for none):" echo -n "> " read GW_ADDR # Check if ip address has a valid format if [ -n "$GW_ADDR" ]; then echo "$GW_ADDR" | grep '[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*' &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Invalid gateway address. Format:" echo GW_ADDR= fi else GW_ADDR="__blank__" fi done # Dns address DNS_ADDR= while [ -z "$DNS_ADDR" ]; do echo "Primary DNS address (leave blank for none):" echo -n "> " read DNS_ADDR # Check if ip address has a valid format if [ -n "$DNS_ADDR" ]; then echo "$DNS_ADDR" | grep '[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*' &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Invalid DNS address. Format:" echo DNS_ADDR= fi else DNS_ADDR="__blank__" fi done fi } |
Nella sezione successiva tramite un semplice costrutto case vengono invocate le varie funzioni tramite in base al tipo di connessione che si è scelto.
case $CONN_TYPE in ethernet) # Connection name connDef echo # Network interface name hwIfaceDef echo # Static ip address ip4AddrDef echo # Auto Connect autoConnDef echo ;; bridge) # Connection name connDef echo # Bonded network interface bdIfaceDef echo # Slave interfaces slIfaceDef echo # Static ip address ip4AddrDef # Auto Connect autoConnDef echo ;; team) # Connection name connDef echo # Bonded network interface bdIfaceDef echo # Slave interfaces slIfaceDef echo # Team config teamConfig echo # Static ip address ip4AddrDef # Auto Connect autoConnDef echo ;; esac |
Dopo un breve configuration summary si entra nel vivo della configurazione vera e propria. Nella terza sezione viene finalmente invocato nmcli con i parametri variabilizzati. Ad esempio, ecco la parte relativa alla configurazione delle connessioni Ethernet. Come si può vedere viene immediatamente effettuato un controllo sull’indirizzo ip dinamico. Se l’utente ha optato per una connessione dhcp nmcli verrà eseguito con un set di parametri minimale, ovvero tipo connessione ($CONN_TYPE), nome connessione ($CONN_NAME), nome device ($IFACE) e autoconnect ($AUTO). Se sono stati definiti indirizzo IP statico e default gateway invece nmcli verrà eseguito con i parametri corretti. Il tutto viene gestito tramite un cotrutto if/else/fi.
if [ "$CONN_TYPE" == "ethernet" ]; then if [ "$IP_ADDR" == "__dhcp__" ]; then nmcli con add type ${CONN_TYPE} con-name "${CONN_NAME}" ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: error during the execution of command "nmcli con add type $CONN_TYPE con-name ${CONN_NAME} ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO}". Error $?" exit 1 fi else if [ "GW_ADDR" == "__blank__" ]; then nmcli con add type ${CONN_TYPE} con-name "${CONN_NAME}" ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} ip4 ${IP_ADDR} &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: error during the execution of command "nmcli con add type $CONN_TYPE con-name ${CONN-NAME} ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} ip4 ${IP_ADDR}". Error $?" exit 1 fi else nmcli con add type ${CONN_TYPE} con-name "${CONN_NAME}" ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} ip4 ${IP_ADDR} gw4 ${GW_ADDR} &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: error during the execution of command "nmcli con add type $CONN_TYPE con-name ${CONN_NAME} ifname ${IFACE} autoconnect ${AUTO} ip4 ${IP_ADDR} gw4 ${GW_ADDR}". Error $?" exit 1 fi fi if [ "$DNS_ADDR" != "__blank__" ]; then nmcli con mod "${CONN_NAME}" ipv4.dns ${DNS_ADDR} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FATAL: error during the execution of command nmcli con mod. Error $?" exit 1 fi fi fi |
Se lo ritenete valido e utile per il vostro lavoro vi invitiamo a utilizzare questo script e ad apportarvi le vostre customizzazioni.
Nel prossimo articolo continueremo con la seconda parte della configurazione della rete su RHEL7/CentOS7 con nmcli. Verranno coperte, oltre alle connessioni team e bridge di cui abbiamo parlato pocanzi, anche le connessioni IPv6. Nel frattempo vi invitiamo a rileggere il precedente post disponibile a questo link.
Buona lettura!